
 Below is the proposed moratorium for the Town of Palermo

Moritoriam for Palermo.pdf

Below are the notes from Brook DeLorme, a resident of Palermo, on her call with LS Power's Jason Niven.

Notes from call with Jason Niven.pdf

Informative Bulletin: Impact of Clean Energy Goals on Electrical Below is the article titled "Informative Bulletin: Impact of Clean Energy Goals on Electrical Corridors" written by Andrew Ballantyne, PE on 9/6/2023

Informative Bulletin.docx

Browntail Moths

The Maine Forest Service announced that February 2022 has been recognized as Browntail Moth Awareness Month, to encourage people to take action against these horrible pests.

Many of you will already be familiar with the painful welts left by the toxic hairs of browntail caterpillars, which are shed during the spring and summer months but can remain in the air for up to three years! In addition to the persistent skin irritation, these hairs can also cause severe respiratory distress in some people.

Browntail moths are an invasive species in Maine, having been introduced over 100 years ago but in an "outbreak phase" since 2015. The moths form tight cocoons during the winter at the end of tree limbs, often resembling a leaf rather than a traditional web - by snipping these cocoons, landowners can protect trees and the health of themselves and their neighbors. The Forest Service's BTM hub,, has more information about these pests, how to treat them & arborists who will snip nests, as well as maps and charts galore tracking how deeply infested our county is.

A hotline has also been set up to answer questions about BTM - dial 211 to be connected with a Forest Service representative.

Maine CDC Rabies Fact Sheet & Information

Please find below some information from the Maine CDC about rabies, how to avoid it, and what to do if you can't.

Please stay safe out there!

Rabies Stinks Poster 2019.pdf

Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) September 2021

As part of Palermo's EOP, the Select Board and Emergency Management Director Mike Sherman are working to identify vulnerable residents who may need assistance in the event of an evacuation. Anyone who would like to be placed on this list may pick up a brochure at the Town Office. Completed forms should be returned to the Town Office where the contact information will be compiled onto a master list and held securely in the vault.