Town Meetings & Elections

Board of Selectman Meeting Schedule:

Meetings are normally held on alternate Thursdays at 6:00 PM in the Town Office conference room.

In some cases this may be changed when Thursday is a holiday. Changes in the meeting dates will normally be posted on the Town Office door, web site and on Facebook.

The public is encouraged to participate live or via Zoom.  ZOOM Links are posted under Meetings & Elections dropdown menu, Select Board Meetings heading.

Notification of Secret Ballot Election

Annual Town Meeting Warrant

Tuesday,  March 5, 2024

Early Voting for the March 10th Palermo Municipal Election is now open at the Palermo Town Office during regular business hours from Feb 21st until March 9th. If you would like to vote early, please stop on by! 

Town Warrant 2022 Town Meeting (1).docx

Town Meeting Minutes March 12, 2022

Town Meeting Minutes March 12 2022[1078].pdf

2023 Palermo Town Election & Meeting

The Town Election will be held Friday, March 10th, from 3 to 7pm at the Palermo Town Office at 45 N Palermo Rd. 

The candidates are as follows: 

Assessor: Darryl McKenney

Road Commissioner: Jaime Robichaud, Jamie Haskell-Spencer

Select Board: Jamie Haskell - Spencer, Robert Kurek

General Assistance Administrator: Darryl McKenney

RSU 12:  William Sugg, Cameron Maillet

The Town Meeting will be held Saturday, March 9th  starting at 9am at the Palermo Consolidated School, 501 Rte 3.