Clerk's Notice of State Election March 5, 2024
Municipality: Palermo, Maine
Voting District: 1-1
Polls open at: 8:00am Polls Close at: 8:00pm
Election Day Absentee Ballot Processing: By Warden at Polls every hour on the hour until all ballots are processed.
To be Voted: Referendum Election Questions 1-8
Absentee ballot requests and absentee voting in the presence of the Clerk ends at the close of business on the Thursday BEFORE the election. (Thursday, November 2nd at 7:00pm)
By order of the Town Clerk/Registrar of Voters: Lynn Demo
2024 Palermo Town Election & Meeting
The Town Election was held on Tuesday, March 5th, from 8AM to 8PM at the Palermo Town Office at 45 N Palermo Rd.
The candidates were as follows:
Assessor: Darryl McKenney
Road Commissioner: Jaime Robichaud/Jamie Haskell Spencer
Select Board: Robert Kurek/Jamie Haskell Spencer
General Assistance Administrator: Darryl McKenney
RSU 12: Will Sugg/Cameron Maillet
Results from March 5th Town Election:
Assessor: Darryl McKenney (340)
Road Commissioner: Jaime Robichaud (199 votes)
Select Board: Robert Kurek (228 votes)
General Assistance: Darryl McKenney (337)
RSU 12 School Board: Will Sugg (174)
The Town Meeting will be held Saturday, March 9th, starting at 9am at the Palermo Consolidated School, 501 Rte. 3.
Results from the March 11th, 2023 Town Meeting vote
For the Palermo Maine Town Warrant 2023
Articles 3 thru 25 were approved
Article 26 (Medical Marijuana Care Giver Store) was Rejected
Articles 27 thru 37 were approved
(A copy of the warrant and notes from the meeting are available for inspection at the Town Office)
6/13/2023 RSU-12 School Board Budget Referendum Vote results
Do you favor approving the Regional School Unit No. 12 budget for the upcoming school year that was
adopted at the latest Regional School Unit Budget Meeting?
30 Yes
7 NO
2022 Town Election & Meeting Recap
We had a great Town Meeting on Saturday, thanks to all our residents and guests who attended! Moderator Dick Thompson presided over three hours of respectful questions and insightful dialogue as we practiced direct, participatory democracy. Townspeople approved 33 warrant articles (2 contingency articles were tabled), including the highly anticipated Liberty Ambulance contract, the return of Palermo Days and the 8th grade class trip, an allocation of $200,000 towards reducing the 2022 tax rate, and comprehensive Road paving and maintenance budgets.
Select Chair Bob Kurek highlighted his work with the Southwestern Waldo County Broadband Committee, which works to improve and expand high-speed internet in our area, and noted that there were no foreclosures in Palermo this year.
Thank you to Liberty Chief Bill Gillespie and Deputy Chief Earle Albert for attending and answering questions about the ambulance service and some of the changes our residents can expect, foremost among them being faster response times and expanded in-town paramedic service.
Residents show their support for the Liberty Ambulance article during the 2022 Town Meeting.
Photo by Deputy Clerk Will Armstrong
Results of the 2022 Palermo Town Election:
Assessor - Blake Brown (70 votes)
Road Commissioner - Steve Childs (67 votes)
Select Board - Pam Swift (70 votes)
General Assistance Administrator - Miriam Keller (75 votes)
How to Prepare for Town Meeting
Are you ready for the Town Election & Town Meeting?
The Town Election is held at the Town Office on Friday, March 10th from 3 – 7pm and the Meeting is at the Palermo Consolidated School on Saturday, March 11, starting at 9am.
The Maine Municipal Association has published “A Citizen’s Guide to Town Meeting,” which can also be found on the Town website. The guide includes “Ten questions” about the Town Meeting process, such as:
What Happens at Town Meeting?
Why Should I Participate in Town Meeting?
Will it seem Silly if I Ask Questions? (this is a hard no, people)
and, How can I Prepare for Town Meeting?
One way to be prepared for the Town Meeting is to have picked up your copy of the 2022 Palermo Town Report! The warrant for the Town Meeting is on page 8, and it establishes the articles and order of balloting. The Report is available for residents at the Town Office (45 N Palermo Rd, 993-2296) or at the Palermo Community Library (2789 Rte 3, 993-6088).
Digital copies of this year's and past Town Reports can be found at the “Town Documents” tab.