Welcome to Palermo

The Planning Board meeting that was scheduled for Thursday, February 13th, 2025 has been cancelled.  The  meeting will be rescheduled and a date will be provided when more information becomes available.  

The Town will holding a Public Hearing on Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at the Palermo Library on Route 3 at 6PM.  The Hearing will be on the following:

2025 Comprehensive Plan, Commercial Scale Electrical Generation, Solar Facilities, Wind Turbines, Substations and Battery Storage Moratorium Ordinance, Maine Major Non-Residential Development Moratorium, Subdivision Ordinance amending to require a minimum lot size of 80,000 square feet and road frontage of 200 feet.  Fees to be determined annually by Select Board.  Shoreland Zoning Ordinance amending to require a minimum lot size to 80,000 square feet and road frontage of 200 feet.  Fees to be determined annually by Select Board.  Finally, the Building Permit Ordinance to be amended to require a minimum lot size of 80,000 square feet and road frontage of 200 feet.  Applicable fees to be determined annually by the Select Board. 

The China Transfer stickers have arrived at the Town Office.  Come in and get your 2025 sticker for $2.00.  You will need this for entrance into the Transfer Station.  Please bring your license plate number or registration of the vehicle this tag will be assigned to. 

There will be a Select Board meeting Thursday, February 6th  6PM at the Town Office.  A Zoom Link will be set up and posted on Thursday.

There will be a Comprehensive Planning Meeting on Tuesday, February 4th at 6PM at the Town Office.

The Palermo Food Pantry is located in the Palermo Community Center at 22 Veterans Way, Turner Ridge Road.  The Pantry is open every Tuesday 11AM to 12:00

The Pantry has been serving the residents of Palermo and surrounding Towns since 2011.  In 2014 the Palermo Food Pantry became a partner agency of Good Shepherd Food Bank.

The Pantry offers fruit, vegetables, bakery items, dairy and frozen meat.  There is a weekly selection of canned food.  The Pantry partners with local farms and receives fresh produce in the growing season.  The Palermo Community Center Garden provides fresh organic herbs and vegetables all summer.

A dedicated team of volunteers are available to help anyone who needs assistance.  There is a wheelchair accessible ramp for those with disabilities.

The Pantry is closed on Christmas and Easter.  Also, when schools close due to weather, the Pantry is rescheduled for the next day, Wednesday at the same time.

For more information, call June Foshay, Director of the Palermo Food Pantry at 207-993-2225.

The vote on the Amendment to the China Transfer Station agreement has passed.

The Maine Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has notified the Town that a case of West Nile Virus in a Mosquito Pool in our Town.  More information is available on Maine CDC's website through www.maine.gov/dhhs/order.

Road Commissioner, Jaime Robichaud is pleased to announce that the Town of Palermo has been awarded a $200,000.00 grant from the State of Maine.  On August 8th., the Maine Department of Transportation (MDOT) advised that they selected the Town of Palermo for a Municipal Stream Crossing Grant.  This grant is to improve community, economic and environmental benefits at the stream crossing on Belden Woods Road.  

Midcoast Conservancy is offering assistance to all Palermo waterfront property owners by doing land planning to reduce erosion and runoff into waterways.  FMI please call 207-389-5158 or email eliza@midcoastconservancy.org 

The Waldo Broadband Corporation is pleased to inform the residents of our 5 towns that a contract agreement between the Maine Connectivity Authority and Direct Communications was approved on June 17th.  The current completion date in the contract is October 15, 2026.  Many locations will be online before that date.  A detailed project timeline should be available.

  The Link to the survey:

https://forms.gle/5NmvoyBGBNBv5BZk7  Also, if you go to Documents - Comprehensive Plan you can print off a copy of the survey.  We also have extra copies at the Town Office.

 The US Small Business Administration has announced that there are low-interest disaster loans available to businesses and residents.  This is due to the disaster that was declared from the January, 2024 storms and flooding.  Please stop by the Town Office and pick up a Fact Sheet

The Federal Communication Commission has set up an essential community service for people to use by calling 211.  When you call 211 the Center's referral specialists receive these requests from the callers.  They will access their databases of resources that are available from private and public health and human service agencies.  You will be matched to available resources and be referred or linked directly to an agency or organization that can help you.  


Transitional Transportation (TT) can provide eligible families with help paying for work-related travel expenses. Applications are available online at www.maine.gov/dhhs/ofi/applications-forms or by calling your local DHHS office or by calling 1-855-797-4357.


Taxes will be due on September 12, 2024.  January 10, 2025 will be the deadline for Automatic Foreclosures on 2022 taxes.

 LS Power informational notes can be read HERE 

Informative Bulletin: Impact of Clean Energy Goals on Electrical Corridors can be read HERE

Palermo is a small town in the southwest corner of Waldo County, Maine, United States. Palermo was settled in 1804 by Stephen Belden, and legend has it that a crate of Sicilian lemons provided the inspiration for our town's name. We are well situated in central Maine, just a thirty minute drive from Augusta, Waterville, and Belfast. Our population was 1,570 at the 2020 census, nearing its record high population of 1,659 in 1850. We have friendly people, beautiful ponds, hills, farms, blueberry fields, the annual Family & Friends Bluegrass Festival, and a total area of 43 square miles and 9 ponds, of which the largest is Sheepscot Pond, a State Fish Hatchery and local attraction.

Palermo is part of the Sheepscot Valley Regional School Unit (RSU 12). K-8 students go to Palermo Consolidated School, a school with around 140 students. RSU 12 has high school choice, and many Palermo students attend Erskine Academy in China.

We are so happy to have you here!

Check out the Announcements page, browse our site using the navigation bar at the top,  or follow us on Facebook at facebook.com/PalermoME04354

Get your copy of the 2023 Town Report at the Town Office!

We are continually working to improve this website by adding resources, responding to resident needs, and keeping you up to date. Please contact us with suggestions!

Palermo Town Office

45 N Palermo Rd

 (207) 640-8100

Fax (207) 370-6550



Town Office Hours:

Tues: 7:30am - 12:30pm

Wed: 7:30am - 12:30pm

Thurs: 10am - 7pm

Fri: 7:30am - 12.30pm

Closed: Sat, Sun, Mon

                All State Holidays and 

when the State closes for  weather emergencies. 

Planning an open burn or campfire?

Do your part by preventing wildfires and check the Wildfire Danger Report HERE prior to having any fire.

Get your Maine Burn Permits HERE.