Dog Licensing
Dog Registrations are available annually by the end of October. Dogs must be registered before January 31st to avoid late fees. Register them in office or online HERE.
To help protect human's best friend, the State of Maine requires all dogs to be licensed upon reaching six months of age, or after 10 days if adopted. Proof of a current rabies vaccination is required for licensing. The yearly licensing fee for unaltered dogs is $11 and $6 for spayed or neutered dogs.
Licensing fees support our local Animal Control Officers, animal cruelty law enforcement, and care for sick or injured stray animals. Dog tags are issued yearly, and tags for the coming year can be collected starting at the end of October. Licenses can be renewed online or in person at the Town Office.
Animal Control Officers
Peter A. Nerber Peter E. Nerber
242-6251 993-2225 660-8658
Palermo has two Animal Control Officers, whose duties include the enforcement of State animal welfare laws and the protection of our residents. The State of Maine requires all dogs to be licensed in the town they reside and does not permit any dog to run at large, except when used for hunting. Our ACOs are often called to control unleashed animals - if the owner cannot be identified and the dog returned home, it is taken to the Kennebec Valley Animal Shelter in Augusta for caretaking. Animal Control Officers are duty bound to ensure an injured animal receives medical attention if needed. Owners of dogs who run at large repeatedly may be assessed a $100 fine for violation of civil statute §3911 of Title 7, Chapter 719.